Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Acne and Dark Skin

Those of African, Latino or Indian
decent have skin pigmentation that
is darker than those who are of
European decent. Treating any skin
disease is often based on the
color of the skin.

Some cosmetic procedures, for
example, cannot be used on skin
with dark pigmentation because it
will leave light spots.

Actually acne is an equal
opportunity disease. The color of
the skin has no bearing whatsoever
on whether a person will have acne.

Treating acne is based upon the
type of acne it is and what the
most effective treatment options
are for the particular type of
acne that is present in each

Many acne medications make the
skin sensitive to excessive sun
exposure. This has nothing to do
with the color of the skin. The
sensitivity is simply a side
effect of the medications.

Those with darker skin complexions
are not usually as prone to
sunburn as those with lighter
complexions but these medications
make dark skin as susceptible to
sun damage as their lighter skin

A sun blocking product with an SPF
factor of at least 15 is
recommended when there will be
prolonged sunlight exposure.

There is one type of acne that
often afflicts only those who are
of African heritage. This type of
acne is called Pomade Acne.

Pomade acne is caused by a hair
care product that is designed to
straighten very curly hair.

The product has a very heavy oil
base and should be kept off of the
skin as much as is possible.

The pigmentation in very dark skin
can get darker after an
inflammation is cleared up.

This is called 'post-inflammatory
hyperpigmentation'....which means
increased pigmentation following

The spots will gradually return to
their normal color over time but a
dermatologist can prescribe
medication which will hasten the

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